Franchise Lawyer in Washington DC

Entrepreneurial endeavors like starting or engaging in a franchise can be both risky and rewarding. The key to a successful franchise endeavor is understanding the risks, your rights, and the responsibilities of those involved.

At LPJ Legal, our Washington DC franchise lawyer is committed to helping franchisors and franchisors understand their rights and responsibilities.

The franchise lawyer at LPJ Legal works closely with our clients to help them understand their rights, potential risks, and potential advantages of purchasing a franchise. We have experience in general franchise law, as well as laws and regulations relevant to the District of Columbia and specific industries. We are passionate about providing cost-effective legal guidance.

Services to Franchisors

LPJ Legal assists franchisors in structuring their franchise, complying with state and federal laws, obtaining state registrations, and preparing and updating documents.

  • Franchise Compliance
  • State Registration
  • Trademarks
  • International Franchising
  • Franchise bankruptcy
  • Franchisor breach of contract
  • Franchisor fraud

We have experience in a variety of industries and businesses. Our team has successfully represented clients in cases at both state and federal levels. We are not afraid to tackle even the most complex franchisor-related legal matters.

Services to Franchisees

LPJ Legal helps prospective or new franchisees understand and protect their interests. Our services to franchisees include:

  • Franchise and distribution law in the District of Columbia
  • District of Columbia franchise and business opportunity laws
  • Franchisee tax obligations in DC
  • Franchisee bankruptcy
  • Buying or selling a franchise
  • Retail commercial lease negotiations
  • Franchise Disclosure Documents

New or prospective franchisees must understand their responsibilities, applicable laws, and compliance requirements. At LPJ Legal, we provide our franchisee clients with comprehensive legal support throughout the process of purchasing a franchise, or resolving a franchise dispute.

Services to Both Franchisors and Franchisees

Disputes are an unfortunately common element of the franchisor-franchisee relationship. At LPJ Legal, we help clients successfully resolve disputes using the best strategies available to protect our clients’ interests. Our team has an abundance of resources and techniques for resolving disputes, including alternative dispute resolution methods such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

  • Franchisor dispute
  • Breach of franchise agreement
  • Franchise arbitration
  • Lack of franchise training
  • Lawsuits involving a franchise
  • Deceptive marketing practices

There are many important things to consider when entering a franchise relationship. At LPJ Legal, we know how to help entrepreneurs, franchisors, and franchisees successfully establish a business relationship, maintain the relationship, and resolve disputes when they arise.

Buying a Franchise in Washington, DC

Buying a franchise is a transaction that requires time, attention, research, and patience. Once you have identified the franchise that you are interested in buying, it is a good idea to speak with a Washington DC franchise lawyer. A franchise lawyer can assess your business interest and help you understand the mandatory requirements, such as the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD).

The FDD is a legal document that provides information about a franchise to a potential franchisee. The FTC requires that a franchise buyer be provided with an FDD at least 14 days prior to the purchase. The FDD must be compliant with state and federal laws. A skilled franchise lawyer can help you with the following:

  • Analyzing competitors, including comparative qualitative data and finances.
  • Analyzing and helping you understand the mandatory disclosures in the FDD.
  • Helping you develop questions for the franchisor’s representatives during the due diligence process.
  • Identifying potential risks in the franchise agreement and negotiating changes, if necessary.

A vague or inadequately drafted FDD can result in serious complications in the buying process. With the help of a skilled franchise lawyer, you can be certain that the FDD is legal and adequate, and that your legal rights are being upheld.

Contact Our Franchise Lawyer in Washington, DC

At LPJ Legal, we understand the complex nature of establishing, growing, buying, or selling a franchise. We offer our skills and experience in assisting both franchisors and franchisees, which gives us a balanced approach our clients can count on. Our deep understanding of how franchises operate and relevant laws and regulations means that our clients have the support they need to achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

Learn more about our franchise services by calling us, or completing our online form.